It could really improve everyday life.
The lawyer never ceases to surprise us. This oilseed fruit native to Mexico is present in (almost) all the plates for its delicious taste and its nutritional qualities. It contains oleic acid, known to increase good cholesterol (HDL) and decrease the bad (LDL). It is also an excellent source of vitamin E, antioxidant. Recently, American researchers have found a new blessing of this superfood which gives one more reason to integrate it into its diet.
Initially, they wanted to determine if avocados could have a significant impact on cardiovascular health. The study involved more than 900 participants, aged 51 on average and suffering from abdominal obesity. The subjects were divided into 2 groups. The first group was invited to consume one lawyer per day for 26 weeks (6 and a half months), while the other maintained a diet with limited consumption (less than 2 per month). Their cardiovascular health was measured using “score LE8”, a tool developed to assess the cardiovascular health of a person through 8 areas: food, physical activity, body mass index (BMI ), blood lipids, blood sugar, blood pressure, exposure to nicotine and sleep health.
According to the results published in the “Journal of the American Heart Association”no significant difference has been observed with regard to any improvement in cardiovascular health. On the other hand, analyzes have revealed improvements in specific health markers. “The group having consumed one lawyer per day presented modest reductions in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol compared to the control group”explain scientists. “We have also observed a greater increase in the” quality of sleep quality “component.” Eating lawyer would therefore help sleep better. Surprising and very interesting insofar as sleep disorders are widespread in the general population.
Researchers have no final explanation for this phenomenon but “It is possible that the improvement in the score of sleep quality observed in the group consuming lawyers is partially linked to the improvement of the quality of the food directly attributable to the consumption of lawyers or to the replacement of less healthy foods “. Incorporating avocados into daily diet can therefore be a simple way to improve your plate in addition to your overall health. A good excuse for preparing delicious avocado toasts.