In the book “70 is the new 50”, he writes about the study where four cohorts of 70-year-olds are compared, and how older people have become younger than ever. – It is a story about different cohorts. 70-year-olds today are almost twice as good on average when we test the intellect and some tests for physical function we are three times as good in. You have more sex and are less depressed. Biggest differences The elderly researcher thinks that what really stands out is above all the intellectual function of the elderly. – The intellectual function is twice as good today when we test speed and logical thinking, for example. Even the personality has changed. The first cohort mentioned in the book were born at the beginning of the 20th century. Then came a report that, among other things, Stockholm and Gothenburg were cities with the worst standard of living in Europe. Since then, a lot has happened, says Skoog. – The first holidays came when the first group we looked at was 37 years old. Then you got a two-week holiday and then free Saturdays have been added. We have had better housing, better working conditions and a lot of medical progress. Although physical and mental well-being has improved, 70-year-olds drink significantly more alcohol today than before. – It is a huge increase, so it can be dangerous. At the same time, you are much more alert and much healthier, so that could be a reason why you drink more alcohol today, says Skoog.