Research: Women use more words than men Brief news

Research Women use more words than men Brief news

The study also shows that people use less and less words in their communications.

Women use up to 3,000 words more during the day than men of the same age.

This happens for at least 40 years, a survival of the University of Arizona at the University of Arizona from a study.

Earlier studies have shown that men and women speak on average the same amount, about 16,000 words a day.

According to a new study, women aged 25-65 say more words than men.

Researchers analyzed 630,000 sound recording from 22 different studies from four countries. There were a total of 2 197 speakers.

The study was published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

On average, the difference in all age groups was 1,073 words a day, but the variation between individuals was great.

The gender difference was greatest in early adolescence and middle age.

Researchers cannot explain why women use more words than men.

Researchers suggest that the cause of women’s abundant use of words may be related to children and the role of women as the main breeder of children.

As the recordings were viewed as a whole, it also turned out that people use less and less words in their communications.

In 2005-2018, the number of daily words fell from about 16,000 to about 13,000.

The cause of this phenomenon is not yet known.

Researchers suspect that development may be related to increased digital communication.
