Research, ENEA wins 45 new EU projects for 13 million euros

Industry impact on local water resources new methodology from ENEA

(Finance) – AENEAS acquired last year 45 new projects who have obtained funding of 12.7 million euros on the part of European Commissionof which 55% covered by the framework programme Horizon 2020. The data is contained in the report “ENEA contracts with the European Commission”, just published, which also highlights ENEA’s participation in a total of 179 European projects during 2022, for a total funding of 50.3 million euros and the involvement of 1,500 partners.

From the report emerges a average success rate of ENEA equal to 33% of the projects presented in the European programming 2021-2027, improving the percentage of 21% obtained in the 2014-2020 period. In summary, out of 198 proposals presented, 53 were declared financeable for a total of approximately 16 million euros

Most of the ENEA projects that have had access to financing Europeans fall within the area “power” with a prevalence of those relating to the sector renewable (31%), while for 27% they concern the nuclear and almost 20%energy efficiency. This is followed, with approximately 15%, by projects in the “environmental” (climate change and air quality) and those on “life sciences” (10%).

“2022, the year of the start of the activities financed by the new European programming 2021-2027, rewarded ENEA’s commitment in presenting the new project proposals with a substantial improvement in the success rate”, underlined Alexander Coppolahead of the Innovation and Development Directorate who takes care of the publication of the report.
