RES towards listing on Euronext Growth Milan

RES towards listing on Euronext Growth Milan

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – RES has started the process for listing on Euronext Growth Milan (EGM), the Borsa Italiana market dedicated to SMEs with high growth potential. The group operates in Italy and takes care of the entire process of waste management from the selection to the treatment and functional transformation to the regeneration, recycling and reuse of waste as production raw materials or their disposal. Furthermore, he is active in the electricity production from renewable sources through a plant powered by biogas produced in landfills and two photovoltaic plants.

The company, based in the province of Isernia, heads a group made up, in addition to the issuer itself, of four directly controlled companies: Res Energia, Valerio Energie, Energia Isernia, and Marte (inactive), and of the investee company at 20% DV Ecology. The group employs altogether 51 employees It is in the semester ended June 30, 2022 recorded pro forma revenues of 8.8 million of Euro.

The listing process is handled by EnVent Capital Markets (which plays the role of Euronext Growth Advisor). The expected date of admission is May 2, 2023, with the start of trading in the following days.

Before admission the capital is controlled by: Antonio Valerio (born on August 2, 1973) with 49% of ordinary shares and voting rights; Antonio Valerio (born November 1, 1972) with 25%; Maria Valerio with 25%; Serena Vespoli with 1%. These shareholders also have shares convertible into common stock (Price Adjustment Shares) not subject to admission to trading.

The board of directors, which will remain in office until the date of approval of the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2025, is made up of 5 members: Maria Valerio, President; Antonio Valerio (born August 2, 1973), Chief Executive Officer; Antonio Valerio (born November 1, 1972), Director; Serena Vespoli, Administrator; Enrico Testa, Independent Director.

(Photo: © Antonio Truzzi | 123RF)
