Requires long prison sentences for riots in Örebro

Requires long prison sentences for riots in Orebro

The prosecutor wants to see long prison sentences for the four men who are charged at Örebro District Court for gross sabotage against blue light activities after the riot in Sveaparken on Good Friday.

For the crime, one can be sentenced to prison from two years to life. The prosecutor stated in his plea that he believes that the punishment for the four should end up somewhere in the middle of that scale – approximately between eight and ten years – reports P4 Örebro. He also wants three of the men to be deported from Sweden.

The men deny the crime, but have admitted that they were on site and participated in the riots, according to the radio.

During the Easter weekend, riots broke out in several places as a result of Rasmus Paludans, party leader of the Danish right-wing extremist party Tight Course, planned Koran burning.

Paludan visited – or planned to visit – Örebro, Linköping, Norrköping, Landskrona, Malmö and the Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby, something that was followed by violent riots with vandalism and violence mainly directed at the police. More than a hundred police officers were injured in connection with the riots.

The police stated in May that they then had 100 people identified who are suspected of crimes and that another up to 200 will be able to be identified and investigated for crimes.
