Requires abolition of border control: "Illegal"

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— They violate Swedish law and EU law. That is why we request a legal review, says Stephan Müchler, CEO of the South Swedish Chamber of Commerce South Sweden.

The border controls violate the Schengen Agreement’s rules on open borders, he claims. The Chamber of Commerce refers, among other things, to a judgment of the European Court of Justice in April 2022, which meant that Austria does not have the right to implement internal border control.

– It is perfectly fine for the border police to check arrivals based on specific suspicions and according to a random sampling procedure. But it is illegal to put the Schengen Agreement out of action by forcing every traveler to show a passport upon entry to Sweden, says Müchler to the newspaper.

The controls make it difficult for commuters who have to get between Sweden and Denmark every day. In the report to the Supreme Administrative Court, the Chamber of Commerce highlights the situation of commuters who have been forced to change the train for the car in order to make ends meet and the large additional costs this entails.

But even for society as a whole, the border controls entail a high price when commuting and a functioning labor market around the Öresund are made more difficult, argue South Swedish Chamber of Commerce.
