Republicans did not agree! McCarthy failed to be elected Speaker of the House of Representatives in the 5th round

1672888267 Republicans did not agree McCarthy failed to be elected Speaker

The other Republican candidate, Byron Donalds, who received 20 votes in the race for the Presidency of the House of Representatives, where the Republicans won the majority in the midterm elections on November 8, 2022, prevented McCarty from being president.

To be elected Speaker of the House of Representatives, 218 members, half of the members of the House, must receive the votes. In the fifth round, all 212 Democratic members continued to vote for party leader Hakeem Jeffries.


US President Joe Biden evaluated that the fact that the Republican majority leader, Kevin McCarthy, could not be elected Speaker of the House of Representatives because he could not get enough votes from his party, and that the House could not begin to function, was not good for the country’s external outlook.

“I think it’s embarrassing that this job took so long.” Biden said, “We hope that the Republicans will overcome this crisis by acting together,” was celebrated.

Biden left unanswered the question about which of the parliamentary presidential candidates he prefers.

WHO IS McCarthy, the leader of the republicans?

Born in 1965, Kevin McCarthy was first elected to Congress from the Republican Party in 2006. The Californian politician, originally a business person, has served as the Republican minority leader in the House of Representatives since 2018.

McCarthy, a staunch supporter of former US President Donald Trump, sided with Trump in his opposition to the 2020 presidential election results. Later, the Republican politician, who admitted that the elections were legitimate, also condemned the attack on the Congress building on January 6, 2021.



Born in 1978, Florida politician Donalds is one of two black Republican members of the House. Donalds, a former businessman, is among the names that have recently been shining in the Republican party.

Donalds stands out as an anti-abortionist as well as a staunch individual armament advocate.


The new two-year legislative process of the 118th US Congress, which held its first session on January 3 after the midterm elections on November 8, 2022, started with the presidential election crisis.

In the three rounds of voting in the House of Representatives, the members could not elect the speaker of the parliament, and the fourth vote was postponed to today.

All 212 Democrats continued to vote for party leader Hakeem Jeffries over the course of 3 votes.

The Republican majority leader, Kevin McCarthy, finally got 202 votes from his party, while 20 of the conservative Republicans voted for Jim Jordan, not allowing McCarthy to get a majority.

Former US President Donald Trump also called for McCarthy to vote for McCarthy, who could not get a sufficient majority from his own party to become the speaker of the House three times in a row yesterday.

For the first time in the last 100 years, the US House of Representatives did not reach a sufficient majority to be elected president in 3 votes.


While many of the Republican members, including presidential candidate Jim Jordan himself, called for “unity” in the voting yesterday, a group of conservative Republicans who were against McCarthy continued to vote against, locking the voting process.

McCarthy became the first majority leader in the last 100 years to fail to win the House of Representatives presidential election in three rounds, as he could not persuade enough MPs from his own party.

In the USA, the Speaker of the House of Representatives is important in that he ranks third in the protocol after the head of state and the vice president. (AA)
