Republicans are planning a law in Florida that would ban teaching about menstruation to children under the age of 11

Republicans are planning a law in Florida that would ban

In Florida, schools and schoolchildren have been targeted by Governor Ron DeSantis as part of the presidential election campaign.

In Florida, Republican lawmakers are planning a law that would ban, for example, talking about the menstrual cycle to children in school. The law would limit the discussion of topics related to sexuality in school, and it would apply to children under sixth grade.

The legislation wants that subjects concerning health education, sexually transmitted diseases and human sexuality should only be discussed from the 6th grade onwards.

In the United States, children in the sixth grade are 11–12 years old.

They tell about the law, among other things The Washington Post (you are moving to another service) and news agency AFP. The law reform also includes “restricting” or, according to opponents, banning some learning materials. The reform would also limit, for example, teaching about sexually transmitted diseases.

Member of the Florida House of Representatives, Democrat Ashley Gantt asked at the hearing of the committee responsible for education whether children under the age of 12 could not, for example, be taught about their periods.

– If a fifth or fourth grader starts menstruating, does this bill prohibit them from discussing the matter because they are not yet in sixth grade? Gantt asked.

– Means, replied the Republican colleague Stan McClain.

McClain later formulated that the change in the law was not meant to “punish children” if they came to talk to the teacher about their menstrual concerns. According to McClain, the change unifies sexuality education throughout the country.

The proposal went through the committee responsible for education.

On average, menstruation starts between the ages of 10 and 15, but it can start earlier or later, at the age of 9 or 16.

DeSantis is behind it all

The governor of Florida is behind the school reforms Ron DeSantis, from which even the next president of the United States is being talked about. He is waging a big culture war in schools, which is especially aimed at sexual and gender minorities and black history.

DeSantis has decided to change his state’s education from kindergarten to college. The governor would ban, among other things, gender studies at universities.

DeSantis has garnered attention for political campaigns focused on schools and children, and has pushed through laws that oppose what he says is the “school indoctrination” of children.

For example, DeSantis has enacted the “Parental Rights in Education” bill package and the “Stop Woke” bill, which directly affect education in the state.

DeSantis is Donald Trump’s a fierce competitor within the Republican Party. DeSantis is the star politician of his party, who is considered to be especially popular with the Republican elite. He receives positive publicity, for example, on the talk shows of the conservative Fox television channel.

DeSantis has not yet announced the start of his campaign, but it seems clear that he will seek the Republican presidential nomination.

What thoughts does the ban evoke in you? You can discuss the topic until Wednesday at 11 p.m.

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