Reported to the manager in Karlskrona about the female colleague: “She I usually sleep with”

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

SVT Nyheter Blekinge was able to reveal last week that a municipal manager in Karlskrona chose to leave his post after several reports during the autumn. The cases concerned both abusive differential treatment and sexual harassment.

The two separate investigations carried out by the company’s health department are now public and show in detail how a female subordinate to the boss for a long time felt watched over and persecuted by the boss.

Among other things, he is said to have specially studied the woman’s schedule and commented on her booked lunch meeting with the words:

“Well, are you going to go home and have sex during lunch?”.

When the woman’s name came up in another context, the man said to another colleague:

– She is the one I usually sleep with.

Didn’t dare get coffee

In the interviews conducted in the investigation, the woman herself said that she did not dare to go and get coffee or the like herself at work, but that she always asked a colleague to accompany her. That because of the discomfort she felt about possibly bumping into the boss in question.

When the woman changed departments after a while, several colleagues drew attention to how the manager was still there early to seek contact with her.

The investigation shows that the manager admits that he made sexual comments about the woman, but believes that there was a certain “internal jargon” between them that must be seen in a larger context.
