Report: False claims about vaccine behind one of three covid death cases in Canada

This corresponds to around 2,800 deaths that could have been prevented during the same period, according to the report.

Relax vaccine

The Coronavirus’s progress and mortality surprised many researchers, but what almost surprised Canadian experts even more was that once vaccines were available, residents still refrained to vaccinate to a large extent.

Together with other researchers, Jigris Hodson, associate professor at Royal Roads University in Canada, investigated what disinformation on social media had consequences.

– Nearly 2.3 million Canadians took part in disinformation about Covid during that period, says Jigris Hodson.

False claims cause

The expert team investigated the period between March and November 2021.

– Seven percent of the population was hesitant to vaccinate, as many said they would not vaccinate at all because of what they read on social media, says Hodson.

In Sweden, no corresponding investigation has been conducted, but the Public Health Authority’s Web survey 2021 showed that there was a very high acceptance to vaccinate.

In the video you can hear the consequences the statements received and what lessons are available for the next pandemic.
