Report: “Extensive” amount of cluster bombs

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Hundreds of cluster munition attacks carried out by the Russian military have been documented, reported or alleged to have occurred, according to the International Organization Against Cluster Munitions CMC’s annual report.

“Russia’s widespread use of internationally banned cluster munitions in Ukraine demonstrates a blatant disregard for human life, humanitarian principles and legal norms,” ​​said Mary Wareham of the CMC.

Ukrainian forces are also believed to have used cluster munitions several times, according to the report.

“Unambiguously condemning the ongoing use of cluster munitions in Ukraine is critical to strengthening the stigma against these weapons and ending the threat they pose.”

Neither Russia nor Ukraine have signed the international agreements banning the use, transfer, production and stockpiling of cluster bombs, as over 100 other states have.

When a cluster bomb explodes, it releases several smaller bombs.
