Rent out a home? Here’s the home insurance mistake you want to avoid

Rent out a home Heres the home insurance mistake you

There are several reasons for renting out your apartment, regardless of whether it is a rental property or a condominium. It can be about anything from studying abroad to trying to live together.

Buying a condominium has become more expensive as the interest rate has skyrocketed in the wake of increased inflation. Therefore, it can be interesting for many to rent out their condominium, but then there is a mistake with the home insurance that you don’t want to run into.

News24 have talked to Fredrik Strömstenone of the founders of the housing site Qasa, who tells you what to think about if you are subletting your apartment.

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Photo: Jurek Holzer / SvD /TTSet the right rent

It is important that you set the right rent for the new tenant. How you do it differs slightly depending on whether you rent out a rental property or a condominium.

– If you rent out a rental property, you get to collect your own rent plus the direct costs that you pay for the tenant. And a surcharge of ten to 15 percent if you rent furnished. If you rent out a condominium, the rules are a little more liberal and are based on how much the home is worth. But generally speaking, you should think about keeping a market rent so that you get the home rented on time, says Fredrik Strömsten to Nyheter24.

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Photo: CHRISTINE OLSSON / TTHa the right insurance

Another important thing to keep in mind if you want to rent out your apartment is to have the right home insurance.

– Many people forget that home insurance may not apply when subletting. Check whether you need a so-called rental supplement to have adequate protection when you rent out.

Folksy explains on its website that home insurance only applies to you and your belongings. Therefore, the new tenant needs to have their own home insurance. And if you have a condominium, it is important that you have a condominium supplement in case of damage to the apartment.

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