Renovation of the Château de Villers-Cotterêts, future international city of the French language

Renovation of the Chateau de Villers Cotterets future international city of

The heritage restoration of the castle of Villers-Cotterêts, future international city of the French language, has been for more than two years the largest project in France, just after the reconstruction of Notre-Dame de Paris.

Between 400 and 600 companions are working on the renovation of this royal residence where King François I signed a historic ordinance in 1539 which imposed French in administrative and legal acts. President Emmanuel Macron wanted to make it the flagship cultural project of his five-year term, but the gigantic works and the pandemic have considerably delayed things. An inauguration is scheduled for the end of this year at the earliest.

This weekend, some restored parts will be exceptionally open to the public.
