Renergetica, agreement with Edison for the development of photovoltaic systems

Renergetica agreement with Edison for the development of photovoltaic systems

(Finance) – Energize formalized the framework agreement of the duration of five yearsaimed at the development, by Renergetica itself, of photovoltaic plant projects on the Italian territory, for a total value up to approximately 60 million euros.

This framework agreement aims to overcome and expand the previous one, signed on April 6, 2020, significantly increasing the MWp of the projects that can be allocated to Edison, effectively extending the duration of this partnership.

“This new framework agreement – he commented Stefano Giusto, CEO of Renergetica – consolidates an alliance that sees us alongside Edison Renewables, as qualified partners in the development of large plants from renewable sources, for many years now. A partnership that today, even more than in the past, is part of the energy policies promoted by the Italian government through tools such as the PNRR, which aim to favor the energy transition of our country“.

Edison continues to grow in renewables through new projects and complete reconstructions of existing plants, with the aim of reaching 5 GW of green installed capacity by 2030 in line with the targets of the NRP and the European Green Deal – he commented Marco Stangalino, Executive Vice President Power Asset of Edison -. Also thanks to this operation, we will be able to accelerate the ecological and energy transition path that the country needs “.

(Photo: American Public Power Association on Unsplash)
