Renaud in concert: back on stage! How is the singer?

Renaud in concert back on stage How is the singer

RENAUD. This Tuesday, January 24, Renaud is giving the first concert of his new tour, entitled “Dans mes cords”, despite concerns about his health.

[Mis à jour le 24 janvier 2023 à 12h45] Renaud back on stage. The singer kicks off, this Tuesday, January 24, his new tour entitled “In my strings”, with a first concert in Avignon. A new burst of concerts tailored for him, which will take the 70-year-old singer to Lille, Toulouse, Marseille or Paris in three halls in the capital: at La Scala on May 9 and 10, at the Casino de Paris on May 26 and 27 and at the Olympia on May 30 and 31.

For these new concerts, Renaud will be accompanied on the piano by his friend Alain Lanty, reports RTL. There will therefore be, according to him, “two quartets, a piano and an accordion. The orchestrations are simple, limpid, which makes it possible to highlight Renaud’s words. It is an intimate concert. After the Phénix Tour, it there was a slump. So he goes back to the ring,” the musician said on the radio on Monday, adding: “Renaud has the ability to bare himself. He’s someone who gives himself up. Everything Everyone knows what his addictions have been. Everyone knows what his sorrows, his joys, his pains have been. The fact of being naked, vocally and in his skin as a singer, doesn’t bother him more than that. hopes to find a new energy there”.

A series of simple concerts therefore, without fuss, which will allow Renaud to be on stage without having to tire himself on the guitar or to put on a show. Renaud no longer does concerts to wet his shirt, but to meet his audience. He no longer intends to impress his fans and is well aware that he no longer has a lot of voice. “I don’t think people come to come and listen to him. They come to share a moment with him, see him and share emotions”, abounded Alain Lanty on RTL Monday, adding: “It’s the depth of soul that now takes over. The roughness, the thickness of this character and his emotional baggage continue to emit very strong emotions”.

Does this mean that Renaud is no longer capable of performing? If the question of Renaud’s state of health arises, the singer goes back on stage sure of his abilities. As TF1 reports, the singer has “done everything to get back in shape”, doing “physical exercises” and benefiting from the help of a vocal coach. “Every day, he arrives at the same time. [Il est] very punctual. He settles down on his stool and the first words he says to us are ‘next’. He does it more for us than for himself. He considers himself ready,” said pianist Alain Lanty. at BFMTV.

The last (rare) appearances of the singer had not however reassured his fans, in particular on the stage of the NRJ Music Awards, during which Renaud had appeared short of breath and trembling. What about on stage?

How is Renaud for his 70th birthday?

On the occasion of his 70th birthday and the release of his new album, metic, last May, Renaud spoke extensively in the press about his state of health and his state of mind. If he assured then that he was fine, or in any case, better, the singer confided in the columns of the Parisian, May 5, 2022, that this new anniversary did not enchant him: “70 years, it does not water, it despairs. I do not like it. Aging is a shipwreck”. Eternal tortured, he evokes “stress, life, the loss of childhood, the anxiety of aging, not seeing grow [s]es children”, but also “fragile friendship and impossible love”.

Renaud heart surgery

In 2022, Renaud also delivered secrets about his health in an even more prosaic way. On the website of Sunday newspaper, on Friday May 6, 2022, he notably returned to the heart operation undergone a few months earlier. “I had heart surgery last year. I had a stent put in because of a clogged artery. Since then, I’ve been doing very well,” he said, when rumors were swirling. this period.

Death therefore, again and again, Renaud’s main terror: “It’s always an anguish. Every day, I get up and I say to myself: it’s the last day of the rest of my life. All this coupled with an unfailing paranoia”, confessed in may 2022 the singer on RTL.

Renaud “no longer drinks a drop of alcohol”

“I no longer drink a drop of alcohol, but I still smoke like a firefighter”, also detailed Renaud at the same time on the radio as in Le Parisien. The singer, whose voice appears more and more gravelly and trembling with each of his appearances, which have become rare, assured the Ile-de-France daily that he was now in the process of healing after years of addiction to alcohol and cigarette. “I reduced the cigarette. When I sang, I was at fifteen a day, instead of forty. But I went up to twenty. It’s harder to stop than that (he shows his glass). I’m at the Bitter San Pellegrino. It’s been a year and a half since I’ve had a drop of alcohol. I’m holding on,” he confided to the Parisian.

Renaud had once again lingered on his addiction problems in the various interviews granted on the occasion of the release of the album. metic : “It’s my life bistros. A place of conviviality, meeting, sharing where we remake the world”, he explained on RTL. “When I think of the number of times I drove home with 2.5 grams of alcohol in my blood… There must be a god for drunks!”, He added in the JDD.

A speech that complements the one he has already had for several years on his discomfort, in his songs as in interviews: “I drink because I’m not good in my skin, in my rind. I have psychoses , anxieties, a bad life, a nostalgia for my childhood. And it gets worse with all these friends who are dying around me, “he already explained to Serge magazine in 2010. “I find it difficult to express my feelings. I am taciturn, withdrawn, rather introverted. And I find it difficult, especially in interviews, to deliver my heart (…) I have the impression that I am being violated when I am interviewed”, a- he also dropped at RTL in May 2022.
