Renaud and “Métèque”: what you need to know about his new album

Renaud and Meteque what you need to know about his

RENAUD. This Friday, May 6, the singer Renaud unveils a new album called “Métèque” and composed of thirteen covers of songs.

[Mis à jour le 05 mai 2022 à 15h19] A few days before his 70th birthday, Renaud is back. The singer publishes, this Friday, May 6, a new album called Métèque and composed of thirteen titles, which are not new songs, but covers. “I had this idea for several years. I sang some of them to warm up my voice on tour and I told myself that I would record them one day. And then in Isle-sur-Sorgue (Vaucluse), where I live almost year-round, I was bored, I had no inspiration for a new record. I said to myself: ‘Now is the time’. I made a list of about fifteen titles that marked me”, confides the artist interviewed by The Parisianevoking “songs, which marked [s]we childhood and [s]for life.”

Renaud therefore offers a new version of thirteen songs, of which The Metecof George Moustaki, The cherry season by Yves Montand Friendshipby Francoise Hardy, The mad lament by Charles Trénet or even If you buy me a drink, borrowed from Serge Reggiani and whose clip was unveiled on March 31. We discovered Renaud, leaning on a table at the Lux Bar, on the Butte Montmartre, facing his friend, the actor Jean-Paul Rouvé.

In addition to the album Métèque, to be released this Friday, Renaud will celebrate his 70th birthday on television, in the show Happy birthday Renaud, broadcast on France 2 on Tuesday, May 10. Many artists will come to pay homage to him by resuming his greatest songs, in particular Patrick Bruel, Axelle Red, Jean-Louis Aubert, Claire Keim, Renan Luce, Zaz, Bénabar, Vincent Delerm, Dave, Tryo, Raphaël, Élodie Frégé, Calogero, Gauvain Sers, Noé Preszow or Benoît Dorémus.

On the occasion of the release of his new album and his 70th birthday, the singer Renaud mentioned, in the columns of the Parisian, his state of health, he whose voice seemed more and more gravelly with each of his appearances, which had become rare. After years of addiction to alcohol and cigarettes, the singer now provides treatment. “I reduced the cigarette. When I sang, I was at fifteen a day, instead of forty. But I went up to twenty. It’s harder to stop than that (he shows his glass). I’m at the Bitter San Pellegrino. It’s been a year and a half since I’ve had a drop of alcohol. I’m holding on,” he told the newspaper.
