Renal carcinoma: what is it?

Renal carcinoma what is it

Quite rare cancer since it represents 3% of all cancers, the carcinoma with renal cells develops from the parenchyma renal. It concerns men more frequently than women (2/1), the average age of the diagnostic being 65 years old.

The kidneys have the function of filtering the blood to eliminate waste (production of‘urine), regulate water balance, produce hormone for the regulation of tension and the production of Red cells. The human body has two bean-shaped kidneys comprising a protective capsule, renal parenchyma (containing the nephrons), chalice and basin allowing the collection of urine. Renal cell carcinoma (80% of kidney cancer), usually affects a single kidney and develops from a parenchyma cell that becomes cancerous and multiplies to form a tumor. The classification is based on histological aspects, the most common subtype is clear cell carcinoma (75%), papillary carcinoma (15%) developing in theepithelium tubular, and chromophobe carcinoma (5%).

Screening for renal cell carcinoma

The discovery of renal cell carcinoma is often made by chance during a ultrasound carried out for another reason because it presents few symptoms. there is no screening systematic in the general population. However, hematuria (blood in urine), lower back pain, fatigue or a decline in general condition can be warning signs. Metastatic manifestations (lungs, liver, brain and bone) as well as certain complications (edema in the legs by compression of the vena cava) seem to contribute to the discovery of renal cell cancer.

The risk factors include theobesitythe tobacco and multiple dialysis resulting in cystselements predisposing to the appearance of a tumor.

Renal cell carcinoma treatment

The treatment is based on nephrectomy partial or total while leaving a preponderant place to the maintenance of renal function. In cases of advanced cancer, involving metastasesof the targeted therapies (cancer cell blocking, anti-angiogenic) or a immunotherapy may be considered. The chemotherapy in this type of cancer is not indicated.

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