Remziye Hisar has been doodled on Google! Who is Remziye Hisar?

Remziye Hisar has been doodled on Google Who is Remziye

By creating doodles, Google draws attention to important days and holidays, cultural events and important people in history on its home page. When users click on these special logos, they access detailed information about that day, person or subject. Google, which previously created doodles of many people from Turkey and placed them on its home page, now created the doodle of Turkish chemist Remziye Hisar.


Remziye Hisar doodle welcomed users who want to enter the home page of Google Turkey and search the internet.

When you click on the doodle prepared for Remziye Hisar, you can access the news and information about Remziye Hisar.


Turkish chemist Remziye Hisar, one of the pioneers of modern science in the Republican era Turkey, is considered to be the first female pioneer of the chemistry profession in Turkey.

Born in Skopje in 1902, Remziye Hisar is the first Turkish woman to graduate from Sarbonne University with a doctorate degree. She also became one of the first women to receive science education at Darülfünun. Remziye Hisar, a student of well-known scientists such as Langevin and Madam Curie, was awarded the “Officiel d’Academie” in France in 1955. Hisar, who received the Tübitak Service Award in 1991, passed away on 13 June 1992.

Among Remziye Hisar’s works, there are four translations and five textbooks. In addition, Hisar, whose 16 papers containing his discoveries in the field of chemistry were published in France, published the invention, which is among the international papers, including the effects of a plant species growing in the Siirt mountains, in France and introduced to the scientific world. Remziye Hisar has also drawn attention with her poems written since the 1920s. The book called “A Woman’s Voice” appeared as a book that brought together some of Remziye Hisar’s poems.

