Removing a tattoo: how, pain, risk?

Removing a tattoo how pain risk

A drawing that fades, a fashion that passes and tastes that change, each year thousands of French people go through the process of tattoo removal. Aesthetic medicine now makes it possible to erase the indelible thanks to ever more efficient lasers. Is it painful and how much does it cost?

What are the techniques for removing a tattoo?

“It is now possible to remove tattoos without causing scarring using specialized pigment lasers“, explains Marie Jourdan, dermatologist specializing in laser intervention in Paris. Thus, the tattoo ink will absorb a large amount of energy over a very short time, which will induce its implosion. “It’s then the immune system of the skin then the blood and lymphatic currents which eliminate the ink particles as the sessions progress.” Another method exists, the so-called “magic pen“. It’s actually “of one injection of acid into the skin which will cause a reaction then a scab that will remove the tattoo”. The dermatologist insists on the character “empirical and medieval” of this practice which “takes the risk of leaving burn scars”. The creams and miracle solutions that can be found on the Internet “are commercial scamsthey give no result“, warns the doctor.

Is it painful to remove a tattoo?

Yes, answers the dermatologistthe bursting of the ink is painful.” It is however possible to apply an anesthetic cream one hour before the session. “In rare cases it can be supplemented with a local anesthesia by subcutaneous injection Xylocaine® anesthetic“.

“There is always a risk of keeping a trace after a tattoo removal”

Where to go to get tattooed?

Laser tattoo removal is a medical procedure and requires turning to an aesthetic doctor (surgeon or dermatologist) or a medical center” advise the practitioner. “The doctor is responsible for the training of his assistants and the quality of his machines.Beware of people who are not doctors and who propose the use of the laser: “We recovered patients who had been burned by misuse of the laser outside of a medical context“ warns the dermatologist.

How many sessions does it take to remove a tattoo?

“Iit takes on average 6 to 10 sessions to remove tattoos with the Pico laser generations. There are several lasers on the market. The number of sessions varies according to the density and depth of the ink, the type of pigment used and the age of the tattoo” responds our interlocutor.

What are the risks when removing a tattoo?

“IThere is always a risk of keep track after tattoo removal“, warns the dermatologist. However, sometimes resistant inks do not leave, you can also see colors that see,in particular for the removal of tattoos from permanent make-up“. It may happen that tanned or dull skin at the time of the session keep a clearer mark at the place of the tattoo : “We can in this case combine tattoo removal sessions with a remodeling laser to support not only ink but also skin modification.”

Results: does the tattoo completely disappear?

“In the best case, the tattoo disappears entirely without leaving traces and without creating the slightest mark.reports Marie Jourdan. If we are faced with a particular difficulty or resistance, we will combine different techniques, such as the tattoo removal laser but also the abrasive laser to overcome it..” After complete healing -about two months- the patient can be tattooed again on the same area.

Can you remove a tattoo yourself?

“Absolutely not” answers the dermatologist. If we want to hope to keep a healthy and healthy skin, tattoo removal must be supervised and performed in a doctor’s office. “Extraordinary creams that claim to remove a tattoo after three applications do not exist.”

What is the cost of tattoo removal?

“It will depend on several factors but above all on the surface“, explains the doctor. CCount between 250 euros and 450 euros approximately per session. Without health insurance coverage.

Thanks to Doctor Marie Jourdan, dermatologist specializing in laser intervention in Paris.
