Removed the letter Z from the Russian character in the game

Removed the letter Z from the Russian character in the

Blizzard has changed the costumes of Overwatch’s Russian hero Zarya. She no longer has the letter Z on her outfit.

With the start of the Overwatch Anniversary Remix event yesterday, players noticed a change in Overwatch. The Arctic and Siberian Front costumes for Russian hero Zarya are no longer in the game.

The letter Z on the war vehicles, which we often see with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, emerged as one of the symbols of the war. Russian character Aleksandra Zaryanova from OverwatchAlthough the letter Z in ‘s costume is there to represent his name, Blizzard preferred to remove it from the armor in order to eliminate the ambiguity.

Blizzard removed the letter Z on the costume of the Russian character

The letter Z in the costume started to have different meanings during the war, and the fact that it became a symbol of victory by some Russians, made it inevitable to take such a step. Of course we know this is a game. However, this move by Blizzard is one of the steps taken to prevent the efforts to legitimize the Russian occupation. Overwatch has been tweaked over time due to its relevance to real life. The cowboy character McCree was changed to Cassidy.

As can be seen in the picture, the letter Z in Aleksandra Zaryanova’s costume has been removed from the costume with the new arrangement. The character continues to be used in the same way.
