Remove scratches on wood: rub them with this food and admire the result

Remove scratches on wood rub them with this food and

It may sound strange, but it actually works! The scratches disappear as if by magic.

The wooden furniture and floors are really nice to look at and add a touch of elegance to our interior. But over time, it is almost inevitable that scratches and marks will appear on these surfaces. This makes their once smooth and natural appearance immediately less pleasing to the eye.

There are plenty of tips on how to fix those scratches, but a new trick has surfaced on the TikTok social network – and it’s so simple you might not believe your eyes when you find it.

The trick is very simple: you have to take a walnut (without the shell) and rub it on the visible scratches. After a few back and forth movements, you will notice that the table or floor regains its original shine! In the video above, a TikTok user explains how her daughter chewed on the family’s wooden table. Then, she shows how the clearly visible scratches fade little by little when she rubs them with a nut.

Rubbing a nut, especially a walnut, over a scratch on wood can help lessen the visibility of the scratch for several reasons:

  1. Natural oils : Nuts contain natural oils that can penetrate the wood. These oils can help moisturize and lightly “fill” the scratch, making the area less noticeable.

  2. Coloring : The flesh of the nut is of a brown hue which can be mixed with many species of wood. By rubbing the nut over a scratch, some of that color may transfer, helping to camouflage the scratch.

  3. Polishing : The action of rubbing a soft but slightly abrasive substance such as a walnut on the wood can also help to lightly polish the area, helping to blur the demarcations of the scratch.

However, be aware that this method is not a “repair” in the traditional sense. It will not remove the scratch but may just make it less visible to the eye. For deep scratches or major damage, it may be necessary to use more professional repair methods or consult a wood specialist.
