Removal of Adam’s apple: unfolding, risks

Removal of Adams apple unfolding risks

Adam’s apple removal is a surgical procedure to remove the noticeable bulge in the throat. This operation is mainly performed as part of a gender transition (transgender operation). Process, indications and risks.

Indications: when can the Adam’s apple be removed?

Adam’s apple removal is often performed in the context of transidentity (transgender operation) or in an aesthetic context for women and men who find it too imposing.

Before the operation, a CT scan is done to assess the location of the vocal cords. The intervention takes place under general anesthesia, lasts approximately one hour and requires 24 hours of hospitalization to check that no hematoma forms at this level. “We remove between 3 and 5 mm from the upper edge of the thyroid cartilage which is at the origin of the relief of the Adam’s apple. We never completely remove the Adam’s apple nor more than 5 mm because the strings are present just below”, explains Dr. Xavier Lachiver, face and neck surgeon in Neuilly-sur-Seine. A silicone gel is then placed to avoid the thread of the stitches.

What are the risks of Adam’s apple surgery?

The formation of a hematoma at the level of Adam’s apple is the main possible risk after the intervention. “This can be very inconvenient because, if placed above the vocal cords, breathing becomes difficult“, warns the surgeon. The second possible risk is the adhesion of the skin to the cartilage: “if so, when swallowing, the skin will move down and up at the same time as the larynx”.

Is there a scar after the operation?

There is indeed an invisible scar if it is placed in the right place. So that it is not visible and to avoid adhesion of the skin to the cartilage as explained previously, it is important to place the scar, not at the level of the neck, but in the angle between the chin and the neck.

Convalescence: what precautions to take after the operation?

The patient can eat again quickly and what he wants after the operation. There is no pain but discomfort may be felt when swallowing. Generally, patients are discharged 24 hours after surgery with paracetamol. There are no precautions to take except to avoid physical exertion for a fortnight.“, indicates the surgeon.

What is the cost of Adam’s apple surgery and is it reimbursed?

The removal of Adam’s apple is covered by Social Security only in the context of transidentity. The procedure costs approximately 3000 euros all costs included in a purely aesthetic context.

Thanks to Dr Xavier Lachiver, face and neck surgeon in Neuilly-sur-Seine.
