Reminder Kinder: in France, list, how to get reimbursed?

Reminder Kinder in France list how to get reimbursed

FERRERO FRANCE RECALL. Several Kinder brand chocolates are withdrawn from the market because they would be contaminated with salmonella. 15 cases of salmonellosis are identified in France. Which Kinder are involved? How to get reimbursed? Everything you need to know about this new scandal.

[Mise à jour le 5 avril 2022 à 12h31] Bad publicity for Kinder as the Easter holidays approach. 15 cases of salmonellosis have been detected in Franceannouncement Public Health France in an April 4 statement. These cases of salmonellosis have the same genetic strain as the strain responsible for an outbreak in the UK and Ireland, associated with the consumption of certain Kinder products being the subject of this withdrawal-recall. Following the investigations carried out by the Belgian health authorities, jointly with their European and particularly French counterparts, the company Ferrero is recalling several Kinder chocolate products. These recalls follow a salmonellosis epidemic in several European countries. The French health authorities have thus been informed by the National Salmonella Reference Center of the Institut Pasteur of the occurrence in France of 21 cases of salmonellosis distributed throughout the territory (of which 15 patients were interviewed for the moment). Eight of them were hospitalized and have all returned home. I’median age of cases is 4 years. The Italian manufacturer has indicated that it is collaborating with the public authorities, including the Directorate General for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Prevention (DGCCRF) on the potential link to the reported salmonella cases. “None of our Kinder products placed on the French market have tested positive for salmonellawe have not received any complaints from consumers, nevertheless we take this matter very seriously, as consumer protection is our top priority“says the company Ferrero in a press release. These products are all made in the same factory in Arlon, in Belgium. What are the Kinder chocolates concerned by the risk of salmonellosis? How to do refund ?

What is the list of Kinder lots affected by the recall?

The products in the Kinder range recalled by Ferrero are:

  • Kinder Surprise 20g (by one, by three, by four and by six) and 100g with expiry dates between the end of June 2022 and the end of October 2022.
  • Kinder Schoko-Vouchers with expiry dates between the end of April and the end of August 2022.
  • Kinder Mini Eggs with expiry dates between the end of April and the end of August.
  • Kinder Happy Moments, Kinder Mix : 193g, Basket 150g, Plush 133g, Bucket 198g, with expiry dates at the end of August 2022.

What to do if you have contaminated Kinder at home?

“People who have consumed the products mentioned above and who show the symptoms [de la salmonellose]are invited to consult their attending physician without delay by informing him of this consumption. In addition, in order to limit person-to-person transmission (especially in households with young children), it is recommended to wash your hands well with soap and water after going to the toilet, after changing your child, and before cooking” recommends Public Health France.

What is salmonella?

Salmonella are bacteria responsible for salmonellosis. Salmonella infections manifested by acute gastroenteritis (diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, etc.) often accompanied by fever within 48 hours of consuming the contaminated products. These symptoms may be aggravated in young children, immunocompromised subjects, pregnant women and the elderly. In the cases more serious, this infection may progress to a septicaemic or localized form, which may require hospitalization.

Provided with a photo of the packaging with the product references (Best Before Date, barcode number), consumers can call the phone number provided by the company for a refund (0800653653) or the contact at the following address: [email protected].

Sources: Withdrawal-recall of Kinder brand products (Kinder surprise, Kinder surprise Maxi, Schoko-Bons and Kinder Mini Eggs) due to suspected Salmonella Typhimurium infection, Public Health France press release, April 4, 2022

Ferrero is voluntarily recalling certain batches of Kinder surprise, Schoko-bons and Mini eggs in France, Ferrero press release, April 5, 2022
