The City of Brantford and County of Brant are holding Remembrance Day services paying tribute to those who served and continue to serve during times of war, military conflict and peace.
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Community members are encouraged to attend the ceremonies on Nov. 11.
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An overnight lighting display at the Brant War Memorial Cenotaph at 6 Dalhousie St. will take place on Friday, Nov. 10 beginning at 6 pm and run until Saturday, Nov. 11 at 7 am
A cadet vigil will be in place from Nov. 10 at 6 pm to midnight, resuming on Nov. 11 from 7 am to 10:30 am
All are welcome to visit the In Remembrance special exhibit at the Brant Museum and Archives, 57 Charlotte St., on Nov. 11 from 1 pm to 5 pm Admission is by donation.
Front row seating for the Remembrance Day service at the Brant War Memorial will be available only for veterans and their spouses or companions. Some bleacher seating will be available for the general public.
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The order of proceedings for the service and parade are:
- 10:40 am — The walking march leaves Harmony Square, 89 Dalhousie St, enroute to the Brant War Memorial and Cenotaph.
- 10:50 am — Civic Service of Remembrance at the Brant War Memorial at Brant Avenue and Dalhousie Street.
- 11:15 am — Fly-past by Lancaster courtesy of the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum, weather permitting.
Leading the parade will be a 1945 Dodge three-quarter-ton Air Portable Truck, followed by 1942 and 1952 Willys Jeeps, provided by the Canadian Military Heritage Museum.
Following the ceremony, attendees are invited to a free open house and a light luncheon at the Brantford Naval Veterans Association at 54 Wadsworth St.
The following streets will be closed on Nov. 11 from 9:30 am to 11:45 am:
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- Dalhousie Street between Market Street and Brant Avenue.
- Brant Avenue between Church and Colborne streets.
Free parking will be provided between 10 am and 1 pm on Nov. 11 at downtown municipal parking lots and for veterans in the RBC parking lot. Parking time restrictions at on-street parking spaces downtown will be waived.
Brantford Transit and Brantford Lift will offer free transportation from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm to and from the Brant War Memorial and Cenotaph for those attending the Remembrance Day service.
There are three Remembrance Day services taking place in the County of Brant on Nov. 11.
The Burford Remembrance Day service begins at 10:30 am and includes:
- A parade from Burford Fairgrounds to Cenotaph from 10:30 am to 10:45 am
- Service at Cenotaph from 10:45 am to 11:30 am
- After 11:30 am, walk back to the Burford Legion at the fairgrounds.
The Paris Remembrance Day service begins at 10:30 am at the Paris Cenotaph.
The St. George Remembrance Day service begins at 10:45 am at the St. George Cenotaph at Memorial Park.
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