Remarkable statement from NATO after the joint declaration of Turkey, Sweden and Finland! “Historical decisions”

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Stoltenberg made a statement to journalists before the opening session of the NATO Summit held in Madrid, Spain.

“Today we will make historic decisions.” Stoltenberg said that the Strategic Concept document adopted at the Lisbon Summit in 2010 will change.

Recalling that China was not mentioned in a word in the document at that time, Russia was seen as a strategic partner, Stoltenberg stated that in today’s document, Russia will pose a direct threat to NATO’s security and China will be seen as a test against NATO values ​​and interests.

Stating that deterrence and defense will be strengthened, Stoltenberg reminded that more highly prepared forces and units in combat formations and previously deployed military materials will be prepared.

Stoltenberg stated that they expect the highly prepared force, which will consist of 300 thousand soldiers, to be ready next year, that these units will be kept ready in their own countries, and the expenses will be financed by different allied countries.


Stoltenberg also said that after the triple memorandum signed yesterday by Turkey, Finland and Sweden, a decision will be taken today on inviting Sweden and Finland to membership.

Emphasizing that the invitation of the two countries to membership within weeks after the membership applications on May 18 was an unprecedentedly quick process, Stoltenberg said that the approval of the parliaments of 30 NATO allies is needed in the membership process of the two countries, and that he cannot predict how long the approval processes will take.

Stoltenberg also noted that at the NATO Summit today, a comprehensive support package will be reached on Ukraine’s military needs, discussions will be held and decisions will be made on many issues such as load sharing, climate change and cyber security.
