Remarkable statement from Bill Gates! Flash claim about WHO

Remarkable statement from Bill Gates Flash claim about WHO

In a speech he delivered in 2015, long before the arrival of COVID-19, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates urged countries to take the threat of a global pandemic seriously and warned his audience that the world was “not ready” for a deadly epidemic. In the last days of 2019, the Covid-19 pandemic started and caused many casualties. In recent days, the world has slowly started to return to normal.

Bill Gates is now on the agenda with his statement about the World Health Organization. According to the billionaire, the World Health Organization’s team investigating deadly new viruses consists of less than 10 full-time workers. The low number of these brings along many risks and creates the need for different measures.


Gates said that a “Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization” initiative should be created and that it should come under WHO’s management. The billionaire philanthropist proposed the work to monitor global health emergencies and coordinate data between countries. He said the outbreak response team should assemble a team of experts, including computer modelers and epidemiologists.


Gates claimed that before the outbreak of COVID-19, the WHO team to explore future outbreaks had fewer than 10 full-time employees, adding that even these people were distracted by many other activities. Gates said that more funds are needed to prevent future pandemics, and said, “The current WHO funding is not serious and sufficient for pandemics.”


“It seems crazy to me that we can’t see this tragedy and make these investments on behalf of the citizens of the world. We are still at risk of creating a variant of this pandemic that will be more contagious and more deadly.” “I don’t want to be the voice of doom and gloom, but we haven’t seen the worst,” Gates said. he warned.

There has been no response from WHO to Gates yet.
