Remarkable decision from the European country! They will ban mobile phones in middle and high schools

The Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science announced that it has decided to ban mobile phones, tablets and smart watches in classrooms in secondary and high schools.

In a written statement from the government, it was stated that in line with the decision taken by the ministry jointly with institutions in the education sector, mobile phones will be banned in classrooms in secondary and high schools.

In the statement, it was stated that the decision was taken on the grounds that phone use distracts students and weakens their learning skills, and it was stated that smart watches and tablets are also included in the scope of the ban.


In the statement, Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf said, “Although phones are affecting every aspect of our lives, they should not be in the classroom. Students should have every opportunity to concentrate and learn well. Research shows that mobile phones prevent this. We must protect students against this situation.” assessment was included.

“No more watching TikTok videos, texting a classmate, or sharing snaps on Snapchat.” In the statement, it was noted that the application does not cover universities.


In the statement, it was stated that the implementation of the phone ban decision was left to the school administration, teachers, parents and students, and it was stated that the phone could be banned completely in the classrooms, or limited use could be allowed in exceptional cases such as illness and disability, or to the extent required by the content of the course.

In the statement, it was stated that if the application, which will start on January 1, 2024, does not achieve the desired success at the end of the 2023-2024 education period, it can be made into a legal regulation if necessary.
