Remake of a disturbing fantasy classic that sparked unexpected controversy

Remake of a disturbing fantasy classic that sparked unexpected controversy

Witches witches reissued the fantasy classic of the same name in 2020 and appointed Anne Hathaway as the head witch. After its release, however, the film caused a controversy that Robert Zemeckis and his team probably did not expect. Today you can see the remake of the children’s book adaptation on TV.

That’s what the fantasy new edition of Hexen witches with Anne Hathaway is all about

In the fantasy film Hexen witchen, the newly orphaned Charlie (Jahzir Bruno) is sent to live with his grandmother (Octavia Spencer) in 1967. When the two go to the sea for a trip, they meet a group of strange ladies in their hotel and have to realize that they are right in the middle of one Witch Congress advised. The disguised Grand Witch (Anne Hathaway) and her followers make a plan behind closed doors To rid the world of all children. Of course, Charlie wants to prevent that. Unfortunately, he is discovered and turned into a mouse, which makes things much more difficult.

Warner Bros.

Witches witches: Anna Hathaway and Co.

The first film adaptation of Roald Dahl’s classic children’s book Hexen hexen * (originally: The Witches) was published in 1990 disturbed an entire generation with its depiction of scary witches peeling off their faces. The remake also made a name for itself with its make-up and makeup, albeit in a different way.

That’s why Hexen witches came under criticism in 2020 as a fantasy remake

The remake Hexen witchen changed the look of its witches to differentiate itself from the iconic original. The designers decided to depict the witches with three fingers instead of fivewhich reinterpreted the description of the cat-like claws from the original book.

Warner Bros.

Witches witch – with 3 fingers

What the fantasy film didn’t take into account was that there is actually a congenital hand malformation called Ectrodactyly (sometimes referred to as “cleft hand”) exists in which fingers grow differently. Many people with this genetic peculiarity then found the new villain portrayal unflattering or even offensive.

As reported by Variety, among others, Warner Bros. Studios then publicly apologized for the witch hand representation. Paralympic athlete Amy Marren explained why this wildly different design decision was so problematic and could even have negative consequences:

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Body part difference is not scary. Differences should be celebrated and disabilities should be normalized. It is shocking to see something that sets one person apart from another represented as scary. I know that this is a movie and that these are witches. But Witches are basically monsters. My fear is that children will see this film […] and begin to fear people with other limbs.

Also Anne Hathaway apologized on Instagram among children with “Limb Difference” for the depiction of the grand witch and promised to clarify the topic after she had done so “More sensitive to feelings and experiences in the future” to deal with others.

On TV or stream: This is how you can watch witches

The fantasy new edition of Hexen witches will be released this Sunday, Sunday November 26, 2023 at 8:15 p.m. on Sat.1 shown. If you missed the TV broadcast, the film is also available Amazon Prime * in the streaming flat rate. You can stream the first film adaptation of Hexen witches from 1990 on WOW *.

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