Relieving news from Pitkämäki: Helander’s back problem is not serious

Relieving news from Pitkamaki Helanders back problem is not serious

Finnish javelin thrower Oliver Helander’s competition in Sunday’s Kaleva Games ended after the first round. According to Helander’s coach Tero Pitkämäki, it was a classic witch’s arrow.

Javelin thrower Oliver Helander threw only one throw in the Sunday final of the Kaleva Games due to a back spasm. His back was examined on Monday and the trainer Tero Pitkämäki was then able to share some reassuring news: it’s a classic witch’s dart that should go away in 2-5 days.

– It is a reversal of a technical error, where Helander pushes his upper body forward and to the left during the throw. It creates quite a twist in the back, which caused a protective cramp there, for which there was nothing to be done on the day of the competition, Pitkämäki said in the Sports Association’s press release.

According to Pitkämäki, Helander’s journey continues towards qualifying for the European Championships in Munich, but the cramp will affect the thrower’s plans.

– It changes the preparation for the Games a little, when you don’t do what was planned for 2-3 days. But the view of Munich is reasonably good. By the time of the Games, there should be nothing left of this, Pitkämäki stated.

Helander himself told Urheilu on Sunday that the warm-up went well, but after the first throw, his back cramped and he couldn’t move properly.

– When even walking is difficult, throwing the javelin is also difficult, Helander said, but was not worried about the European Championships.
