Released goldfish ‘high risk’

Released goldfish high risk



Full -screen gold fish that have been dumped in a pond on Ramberget in Gothenburg. The picture was taken last summer. Photo: Björn Larsson Rosvall/TT

The goldfish, which we are used to seeing in aquariums, is not as innocent as it looks. Carassius Auratus, as it is called in Latin, risks competing out domestic fish in Swedish waters, according to the Swedish University of Agriculture Art Databan.

In the latest risk classification, the goldfish is considered “high risk”, reports Sweden’s Radio P4 Gothenburg.

The problem arises when goldfish in unknown numbers are discovered from aquariums and garden ponds and compete for space and food with domestic species. When the goldfish is released, it changes color and therefore it is difficult to specify how many stocks have managed to establish themselves.
