released after defending Pétain, what possible result in the legislative elections?

released after defending Petain what possible result in the legislative

ZEMMOUR. After announcing his candidacy for the legislative elections in the Var, Eric Zemmour was released by the Paris Court of Appeal, when he was accused of having defended Pétain. What score can he aim for next June?

[Mise à jour le 12 mai à 14h30] It is therefore as a candidate freed from a legal case that Eric Zemmour will run for the legislative elections. A few hours after announcing his intention to run for a post of deputy, the former presidential candidate was released in the case of “contestation of crime against humanity”. This Thursday, May 12, 2022, the Paris Court of Appeal thus confirmed the deliberation delivered at first instance, in February 2021. The case dated back to October 14, 2019 when Eric Zemmour had affirmed on CNews that Marshal Pétain had “saved of the Jews during World War II. The ex-journalist therefore avoids a new conviction at the start of a campaign for the legislative elections at the end of which he aims to enter the National Assembly.

At 63, he has indeed announced that he is a candidate in the 4th constituency of Var. “Reconquest is back everywhere in France. I will lead our beautiful and great fight alongside our 550 candidates”, he rejoiced on Twitter. The boss of the far-right party is expected at the end of the day in the town of Cogolin, part of the constituency in question. At 6 p.m., he will speak from the town led by Marc-Etienne Lansade, a former supporter of the National Front who has become a supporter of the polemicist. Enough to kick off an express campaign one month before the first round of legislative elections.

Eric Zemmour candidate for the 2022 legislative elections

Finally there it goes! Eric Zemmour will be a candidate in the legislative elections. The President of Reconquest! will submit his candidacy to become a deputy to voters in the Var, reveals Var-Morning, this Thursday, May 12, 2022. Information confirmed on Twitter by the person concerned himself. The fallen candidate in the presidential election will run in the 4th constituency of Var, which includes the cantons of Aups, Collobrières, Draguignan, Grimaud, Lorgues, Luc and Saint-Tropez. Eric Zemmour will formalize his decision this Thursday evening on the side of Cogolin.

Born in Montreuil, in Seine-Saint-Denis, studying in the suburbs then in Paris, before leading his entire career in the capital, the nomination of Eric Zemmour on the shores of the Mediterranean seems like a parachute drop. It is above all a land on which he quickly found an electorate won over to his cause during the campaign for the presidential election, especially since his entourage assures us that he is “very attached to his Mediterranean roots ” and that the Gulf of Saint-Tropez is “a region to which he is very attached”.

Before the legislative elections, what result for Eric Zemmour in the 4th district of Var?

Can Eric Zemmour catch himself dreaming of entering the National Assembly? In the 4th district of Var, the candidate won 14.7% of the votes cast in the first round of the presidential election. Above all, it exceeded 20% in two municipalities of this constituency: Saint-Tropez (22.42%) and Grimaud (21.4%). Scores higher than at the national level (7.07%) but which do not bode well for the votes he could obtain in the legislative elections. Especially since to access the second round, it is necessary to collect a number of votes equivalent to at least 12.5% ​​of registered voters. However, during the first round of the presidential election, he only obtained a score of 10.61% compared to the number of registered voters.

What do the polls say about Eric Zemmour’s candidacy for the legislative elections?

While the polls have punctuated the presidential campaign of Eric Zemmour, it does not look as intense for the legislative elections. Indeed, local polls, on the scale of a constituency (virtually) do not exist. At least, for the public. Because nothing prevents candidates from commissioning institutes to carry out surveys without them being published. This is what Eric Zemmour’s team would have done had it formalized its candidacy in the 4th district of Var. According to Var-Morning, calls were received by residents of the municipalities concerned for a notoriety survey on candidates for deputy in the constituency. Including Eric Zemmour. But no results were released.
