release of eight trade unionists detained by military intelligence

release of eight trade unionists detained by military intelligence

There were eight trade unionists from the Gabon Energy and Water Company (SEEG) detained for three days in the premises of the General Directorate of Military Intelligence. They were arrested on Monday following a vigorous demonstration to demand payment of their 13th month; also threatening to cut off water and electricity in the country.

1 min

With our correspondent in Libreville, Yves-Laurent Goma

When they left, everyone noticed that the eight trade unionists, including two women, had been shaved. They were taken early in the morning from the military intelligence directorate to Camp Baraka, stronghold of the armored regiment. All were lined up on the parade ground where they participated in the raising of the colors. They were forced to sing the national anthem and stand to attention.

Once the colors were raised, they were taken to a room where there was a meeting with the general management of their company and the Vice President of the Republic, Joseph Owando Berre. Exhausted by three days of police custody, humiliated the unionists requested a postponement of this meeting.

Livan Ntsame Mve, vice-president of one of the two company unions: “ If our heads were shaved, the country’s authorities should be able to catch all the people who caused SEEG to find itself in the current situation and each of them be held accountable for their actions. »

The unionists are accused of having kidnapped their bosses and of damaging company property. No charges were brought against them.

If the General Management of the SEEG does not open negotiations on the requested payment of their 13th month, the unions maintain that they will launch their strike on December 21.

Read alsoGabon: eight union officials interviewed by military intelligence
