Release date of Steven Spielberg’s next film revealed – which will likely be a sci-fi blockbuster with UFOs

Release date of Steven Spielbergs next film revealed which

For a long time it looked as if Steven Spielberg’s next project would be a Frank Bullit film with Bradley Cooper. But it seems that there was a big change in his schedule. The sci-fi blockbuster, which was just a rumor a few weeks ago, has surprisingly been given a theatrical release.

In April we reported that Spielberg was working on a new sci-fi film. At the time it was unclear how far the project had actually progressed. Now it turns out: very far. The film is set to hit the big screen in just two years. Universal has secured the May 15, 2026 reserved as theatrical release for the new Spielberg.

New sci-fi film by Steven Spielberg is coming in 2026 and the first info sounds like the ultimate cinema event

What the film is about is unclear. Based on a report from the always well-informed industry magazine Variety, we can look forward to a sci-fi blockbusterWith the exception of Ready Player One (2018), Spielberg’s films in recent years have mainly focused on the past.

Warner Bros.


The new project comes with a very promising slogan: UFOSince Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977), E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982), and, yes, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008), we know that Spielberg has a distinct penchant for unidentified flying objects.

Big blockbuster reunion: David Koepp writes Steven Spielberg’s new sci-fi film

Spielberg’s new sci-fi film is written by David Koepp, one of the Hollywood screenwriters par excellenceHe was involved in blockbuster classics such as Mission: Impossible (1996) and Spider-Man (2002). He worked with Spielberg on Jurassic Park (1993), War of the Worlds (2005) and the fourth Indiana Jones film.

Spielberg, Koepp and UFOs: That sounds like an absolute blockbuster dream. Last but not least, Universal has hinted at the announcement that the story follows an original ideaThis gives us hope for a special big-screen event when the new Steven Spielberg film hits theaters in May 2026.
