Relatives can lose a lot of money

Relatives can lose a lot of money

Having to compile a will is never fun. A will is a form of identification document that describes who or who have the right to represent an estate.


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Long waiting times at the Tax Agency

A will must be submitted to the Swedish Tax Agency within four months of the person’s death. After that, it is up to the Swedish Tax Agency to find an administrator, something that does not go as quickly as desired. Dagens Industri (DI) was the first to write about this.

In 2019, the Swedish Tax Agency’s waiting times for this were measured to be four weeks. Now the queue time has doubled.

– We usually say 8 to 10 weeks. In complicated cases or if information is missing or incorrect and must be supplemented, it can take significantly longer, says Per Bergmarklawyer and manager of Familjens Jurist’s Umeå office, to the newspaper.

It looks the same in other parts of the country and relatives risk losing money because of this, says Bergmark to DI.

The probate records the deceased’s assets and liabilities at the date of death. Because of the time it can take for the Swedish Tax Agency to find an administrator, other circumstances can change, something Bergmark calls the lock-in effect.

– If the prices of real estate or shares plummet during the waiting period, the survivors can lose a lot of money, says Bergmark.


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Then the lock-in effect can last for many years

Long waiting times put a damper on the wheels in more ways than one.

If you are a close relative of someone who is involved in a serious accident or becomes demented, it may take even longer for the relative to withdraw money from, for example, a shared savings account.

– The problem also applies if one’s partner becomes demented or ‘permanently disabled’ after an accident. The lock-in effect can then last for many years, says Bergmark DI.

The Tax Agency flags for varying waiting times

The Tax Agency’s website flags the long waiting times. In a message on the site, the authority writes that the queue time does not give an exact estimate.

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