Relatech increases to 100% of Dialog Sistemi

Lindbergh purchases two company branches in Verona

(Finance) – Relatecha company listed on Euronext Growth Milan and operating in the business digital transformation sector, has proceeded with the acquisition of 40% of the share capital of Dialog Sistemi, its subsidiary that offers solutions in the Business Performance Management and Data Warehousing sectors based on a proprietary platform. Dialog Sistemi became part of the Relatech Group on 21 May 2021when Relatech proceeded with the purchase of 60% of the relevant share capital.

The purchase transaction of the remaining share capital of Dialog Sistemi was concluded for a total consideration – determined by applying specific formulas based on the EBITDA and NFP values ​​of Dialog Sistemi as at 31 December 2023 – equal to 1,153,175 euros fully paid today to the previous minority shareholders, Alessandro Greco, Adriano Giovanni Caffarri and Dialog Srl Management Consulting & Business Management Systems.

“Dialog Sistemi came on board Relatech in May 2021 and immediately synergy between the two entities has proven to be very significant in terms of offering and cross-selling – commented theAD Pasquale Lambardi – Companies, both in the retail and industry worlds, are aware that to meet today’s business objectives, mere strategic planning is no longer adequate. It is necessary to constantly monitor data and performance in order to be ready to react promptly with appropriate corrective actions. Thanks to the skills of Dialog professionals and the proprietary Performance Management solution, integrated into the suite of services and solutions of the Relatech Group, we respond quickly to the demands of the market and of companies that are increasingly attentive and ready to invest in evolutionary systems for control of effective and competitive management”.
