Reindeer herders in Jämtland without phone coverage for weeks

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Ice formation on a mast has meant that telephone coverage has been almost non-existent in the areas around Valsjöbyn in Jämtland. This affects, among other things, around 20 reindeer herders who are currently in the area with their reindeer.

– The logistics don’t work as they should, we can’t communicate as we usually do, which causes it, says Brita Persson to P4 Jämtland.

Corrected January 27

The first problem with icing was fixed but not long after that it became a problem again. Now it was established that there was not only ice formation on the mast, but that it also had broken equipment.

Irene Krohn is press manager at Telia and according to her, the forecast is that the problem should be fixed by January 27 at the latest. This means that the reindeer herders in the area may continue to work without working phone coverage for a while longer.

Mountain areas less prioritized

– Our hope is that we will be able to fix the problem sooner, says Irene Krohn to P4 Jämtland.

Irene Krohn denies that mountain areas where fewer people travel would be less prioritized by Telia.

– No, I wouldn’t say that. But we have a limited number of technicians that move over large areas, so it takes time.

If the problem is fixed on January 27, the reindeer herders will have had to work for about three weeks without cover.

– You get a lot less, it’s sad that it’s such a low priority, says Brita Persson to P4 Jämtland.
