Reindeer herders critical of the government’s new plans: “It’s a mockery”

The Norwegian government wants to reduce the wolverine and wolf population in central and northern Norway in order to establish grid and electric power plants in the reindeer grazing areas.

It was presented in a package of measures earlier this week with the aim of reducing the conflicts between the reindeer husbandry and the establishment of power plants.

– This is a way to create more security for the important industry in the north. We hope that the industry will develop and now we are coming up with a number of measures that will mitigate the conflicts and facilitate security for the reindeer industry, says Oil and Energy Minister Terje Aasland to NRK Sápmi.

“It’s a mockery”

But reindeer herder Ellinor Guttorm Utsi is strongly critical.

– I think it’s an insult. This should have been solved a long time ago by other means. The government seems to think that the problem many times in the industry is the predators. That we will choose to shoot six wolverines in our area in exchange for them being allowed to build ten wind turbines, she says and continues:

– I ask a big question about what is the basis for this assessment.

The package of measures also receives criticism from the former climate and environment minister Ola Elvestuen (V).

– This is a lousy proposal, which once again shows that we have the most anti-predator government ever, he says.

Going out for a referral

The package of measures will now go out for consultation, where both the Sami Parliament and the Norwegian Reindeer Herding Association (NRL) will have their say.

– We have worked for this for a long time. It provides a basis for continuing the dialogue with the government. But I think the government needs to be clearer about this with better protection of reindeer husbandry areas, says NRL chairman Inge Even Danielsen.
