(Finance) – Lazio is the region with the highest level of digitization in Italy and Rome the province with the best digital performances. It highlights aAnalysis conducted by Uniontrasporti, In -house society of the Italian chamber system, through 170 territorial performance indicators (KPI) who summarize the ability of the Italian provinces to use the available infrastructures. The study examines, in addition to the development of digital, also the transport and logistics infrastructures, the energy and the propensity of the territories towards the green and digital transition (Green & Smart). And it analyzes both the physical consistency of existing infrastructures and the aspects related to their usability and efficiency in relation to the socio-economic and orographic context. The data were presented by Director of Uniontrasporti, Antonello Fontanili, during a Meeting at the Rome Chamber of Commerce With the local companies of logistics, carried out under the patronage of Unioncamere, the technical support of Uniontrasporti and the Transport Compliance Rating Observatory. It was the first stage of a Roadshow which, hosted by the Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture, will touch the main Italian cities and compare companies and operators in the sector towards an approach to the activities marked by collaborative logistics. A mix of coordination and cooperation between the actors involved to create a more sustainable, resilient and competitive business model in the global market, capable of generating savings and greater revenues for over 10 billion per year at national level.
In the digital sphere Lazio makes the lion’s part in Italy: Made 100 The average of the National KPI Lazio reaches a score of 122.8 and the province of Rome even 202.3, with those of Latina and Rieti respectively 113.3 and 102.5. Less brilliant, but in any case almost in line with the national average, the indicators that measure the positive effect exercised by the transport and logistics infrastructures.
Once again it is the Province of Rome To excel, especially on the railway front (first national place – KPI 172), road (second – KPI 146.9) and airport (second – KPI 312.9), however, descending to 64th on that of logistics. Just below the national average also the performances of Lazio on the energy front, where to shine, and instead placed above the average, are the provinces of Rieti and Latina with Rome, in this case, to wear the regional black shirt, with a 91st place on a national scale. As regards the infrastructures considered priority by companies, the sample of 820 companies interviewed identifies five interventions deemed indifferent, among them stand out the completion of the Railway ring of Rome, the A12 motorway between Civitavecchia and Rosignano and the four -lane adjustment of A 33 km of the former SS2 Cassia. The overall judgment of companies on regional infrastructures is however positive, with excellence reported for airport and 4G/5G networks, and with a single significant criticality that instead concerns state roads.