Region Gävleborg has managed to keep down the queue times within BUP

– The groups that are difficult to recruit, i.e. psychologists and doctors, must do what only they can do. Then there are other groups that can do other parts, says Malin Westeråker, care developer in child psychiatry in Region Gävleborg.

Over 90 percent received help in time

In August this year, over 90 percent of those who were waiting to start an investigation in child and youth psychiatry in Region Gävleborg were allowed to do so within 30 days.

This is shown by statistics from Sweden’s municipalities and regions, SKR. The corresponding figure for Region Kalmar was 10 percent.

– I can’t answer for what other regions do and don’t do, but I know that something that has made a difference for us is that we have several operations in the same area. This makes for shorter decisions, says Malin Westeråker.
