Region Dalarna in staff mode after telephone problems

Region Dalarna in staff mode after telephone problems



full screenNeither patients nor other members of the public from outside can call Region Dalarna, they write on their website. Archive image. Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

Region Dalarna has been affected by phone problems since last night, and has gone into so-called staff mode.

It is currently not possible to call from the outside to either the switchboard, hospitals or care centers, according to P4 Dalarna. It will also cause problems in public transport. However, it must be possible to make internal calls between different departments.

The reason must be a disturbance at the supplier of the fiber network.

“The problems are not due to a cyber attack or the like, but to problems in connection with maintenance work from an external supplier,” says Emma-Karin Björklund, civil servant on standby, on the region’s website.

The region has now moved up to staff mode, which is the lowest preparedness level. There is no forecast when the problem may be resolved.

The health advice 1177 and 112 are not affected by the problem.
