refusing to leave, the boss of Spanish football causes an uproar

refusing to leave the boss of Spanish football causes an

The president of the Spanish Football Federation announced, this Friday during a meeting of the organization, that he would not resign. Stunned, the government accuses him of causing a “#MeToo” of the round ball. World champion Jenni Hermoso repeated today, against the assertions of the person concerned, that the kiss she received was not consented.

3 mins

Lunar “, comment some. Contrary to what the Spanish media had announced on Thursday, and more precisely what he himself had hinted to those close to him, the Spanish football boss did not tender his resignation during the meeting scheduled for Friday in Madrid. to discuss his case.

Certainly, Luis Rubiales presented his excuses “, at the opening of the extraordinary general meeting of the Spanish federation convened urgently in Madrid. But he also defended his actions, saying his kiss on the mouth of national team number ten Jenni Hermoso when La Roja was crowned at the Australian World Cup was ” spontaneous, mutual and agreed “, and that it had not been administered for a ” position of power “.

A very particular counter-attack, while a complaint for sexual assault was transmitted to the Spanish courts and the International Football Federation, Fifa, opened an investigation into this case, as our correspondent in Madrid recalls, Pierre Chaperon.

I won’t quit, I won’t quit “, Hammered Luis Rubiales, taking the audience and the whole country by surprise. And to go after the fake feminism ” Who ” don’t seek the truth “, denouncing a” social assassination attempt “. In particular, he attacked three women members of the government by name, including the Communist Minister of Labor and number three in the government, Yolanda Díaz, who had been one of the first to demand his resignation.

Read alsoWomen’s World Cup: Fifa opens disciplinary proceedings against Rubiales after her forced kiss


The player concerned by this affair, Jenni Hermoso, obviously did not appreciate the last statements of the boss of her federation, and in particular this word, “consented”, which he pronounced in her place. Evidenced by the press release that she published in the process on the social network X through the account of the union Futpro, which defends its interests.

I want to be very clear : I never consented to this kiss he gave me and I never tried to approach the president. I do not tolerate anyone questioning my word and even less inventing things that I did not say. writes the world champion.

But that’s not all. All of the 23 players of the national team crowned last Sunday have also announced that they will now refuse to play for the selection under the current management. ” After all that happened during the Women’s World Cup medal ceremony, all players who signed this text will not honor a future summons if the current leaders are maintained. “, they write, again through Futpro.

And they are not alone, since in total, 81 Spanish players have rallied to this declaration. Even the airline Iberia, a very important sponsor of La Roja, has demanded that measures be taken. A single watchword everywhere: solidarity with Jenni Hermoso.

The Spanish football boss’ attitude is ” unacceptable “, had previously affirmed the number three of the Spanish government, Yolanda Díaz, herself implicated. ” The government must act and take urgent measures “, she claimed on the X network. “ Rubiales cannot continue in his post “, she added.

For his part, the president of La Liga, Javier Tebas, estimated the boss of Spanish football had ” insulted too many people and suggested that he should quit anyway. ” The list of women and men offended by Luis Rubiales in recent years is too long, it must stop “wrote Javier Tebas on X.

The Rubiales affair, a football #MeToo for the Spanish government

Without a doubt, it will be the #MeToo of Spanish football. This is the reaction of the Sanchez government. And Madrid let it be known that Luis Rubiales won’t get away with it. Victor Francos, the Secretary of State for Sports, has launched a procedure for the TAD, the administrative court for sport, to meet on Monday to suspend the president of the federation.

This reaction shows that the stubbornness of Luis Rubiales not to resign will certainly not stop there from the point of view of the executive, self-proclaimed feminist and equal. Two key ministers, two great feminists, the Minister of Labor and that of Parity, affirmed that he could in no case remain in office.

But if the political sphere is rather cautious, for the moment, it is in the world of football, in Spain, that the reactions are the most virulent, comments our correspondent in Madrid, Francois Musseau. Four regional presidents of the federation have resigned, in solidarity with the player who received this unconsented kiss. The head of women’s football too.

As for the Barcelona FC men’s team, it has itself supported Jenny Hermoso, while the international striker of the Sevillian club Bétis, Borja Iglesias, who has decided not to respond to the summons of the team national until this matter is resolved.
