Refreshing your home: the tips you need to know

Refreshing your home the tips you need to know

The objective of the moment: to refresh his home. To keep a room cool, there are handy tips and devices. Here is a selection

Heat wave or strong heat requires, we are all looking for effective solutions to live in an apartment or a house that does not look like a furnace. Fortunately, there are effective ways to cool your house in the summer. You can rely on certain devices such as fans, heat pumps or air coolers. You can also invest in a green roof whose benefits for the house are as visible in summer as in winter. But these solutions require a larger budget and we also think of your wallet.

Let, let, in the sun…” sang Julien Clerc. You can hum it but above all not apply it if you want a cool house this summer. To reduce the ambient temperature, we will precisely prevent the sun’s rays from entering the accommodation by caulking the windows. Follow our tips for cooling your home with or without air conditioning. If you spend time in the house, obviously you are not going to stay in the dark all day. And if your home faces east-west, you have every chance to bathe in the sun from morning to evening.

Of course, you are not going to move your home to the south as the architects recommend… Are you thinking of installing air conditioning in your home? There are simpler and more natural tricks to gain a few degrees. Hang your wet towels and sheets on the windows. Green your interior, your balcony or your terrace with green plants. Wet your soil with cold water. With these three solutions, you will already have succeeded in refreshing your home without spending too much!
