REFRESH TWITTER. The social network has just corrected the bug that caused tweets being read to disappear due to the automatic refresh of the news feed. A real relief for annoyed users.

REFRESH TWITTER The social network has just corrected the bug

REFRESH TWITTER. The social network has just corrected the bug that caused tweets being read to disappear because of the automatic refresh of the news feed. A real relief for annoyed users.

Twitter users will be able to breathe a sigh of relief. In fact, over the past few months, many have complained about the disappearance of the tweets they were reading, or that they intended to read later. In question, the cooling function – the refresh, in the jargon – which automatically chased away the messages being read in the newsfeed – the timeline – to display the new ones. A false good idea that interrupted the consultation, forcing users to browse the page to try to find a message and continue reading. Unbearable, especially for heavy readers subscribed to multiple accounts. Judging by the number of comments posted on the network, the refresh automatic was more than annoying: it could almost drive people crazy, especially those who could no longer find a tweet in their thread …

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Good news for those who are allergic to permanent movement: Twitter has just corrected the problem in an update for the web version, which is currently being rolled out. The social network had promised it last September, in the face of the discontent of its users. In practice, instead of making the current tweets disappear, the refresh function, which is always present, simply displays a notification message at the top of the news feed to indicate the number of new tweets available. And it’s only when the user clicks the “View tweets” button that the feed reloads to show newcomers. Very simple: you just had to think about it. And do it straight away.
