Reduced spread of respiratory diseases

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

“Several data sources also indicate a reduced morbidity in respiratory viruses over the past two weeks,” the authority writes on its website.

As for covid-19, the number of confirmed cases decreased by around 35 percent and is now at approximately the same levels as in mid-November, before the spread of infection took off.

Fewer people are also treated in hospital with covid-19. However, the number of people who need intensive care remains at the same level.

Cases of influenza have decreased by roughly 40 percent and during week two, fewer patients required intensive care.

At the same time, cases of RS virus have decreased by over 20 percent in the past week. The peak among children under five was reached at week 51, according to the Public Health Agency, and has since halved.

“The spread of infection is basically decreasing across the country, which suggests that the peak has been passed for this time. But there is a risk that the spread of infection will pick up again. The effect of people meeting again after returning to school and work after the holidays we see only in a few weeks,” says Anders Lindblom, state epidemiologist at the Public Health Agency.
