Reduced funding threatens Swedish nature reserves

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In Sweden, there are roughly 5,000 nature reserves that will secure valuable nature for the future. But the government’s drastic reduction in funding for nature protection and management is now having consequences for nature conservation, including in the Angarnssjöängen nature reserve outside Stockholm.

In Angarnssjöängen there is a wealth of species – of birds, insects and plants – thanks to the fact that the landscape has been kept open for several hundred years. But this year, the money to maintain the high natural values ​​in Stockholm County’s 200 nature reserves has been cut by two-thirds. From SEK 39 million to 13.

– The biggest threat is overgrowth. The fewer pearls like this we have, the more important it is that we take care of them, says Julia Stigenberg at the County Administrative Board in Stockholm.

In the clip above, you can see a comment from Environment Minister Romina Pourmokhtari.
