Reduce the size of your forehead: the new surgical operation that is all the rage on Tiktok

Reduce the size of your forehead the new surgical operation

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    On TikTok, a new beauty challenge – involving lowering your hairline – has gone viral within days. An operation anything but trivial.

    Bring her hairline forward to reduce the size of her forehead. Here is the new idea for the less funny promoted by the Tiktok network. A sensible intervention “rebalance the proportions of the face”which is not without risk for patients.

    A rejuvenating effect…

    This surgical operation, which lasts three hours, involves cutting a strip of skin on the forehead, below the hairline. Then, tiny holes are drilled into the skull to attach the bone to the skin.

    A rather expensive method (between £5,000 and £7,000) that would “rebalance the proportions of the face” and thus ensure that operated people reduce the size of their forehead.

    Another “advantage” of this operation: obtaining a lifting / rejuvenating effect, as some tiktokeurs claim “I feel like I’m 18 again!“.

    Forehead necrosis and hair loss

    The problem ? In addition to the potential risks of infection and scarring, any excessively tight skin leads to a reduction in the supply of blood and oxygen to the face. Result: the skin tissues can become necrotic and lead to significant – and permanent – hair loss.

    A disaster, according to some experts.

    In extreme cases, if the surgery is performed incorrectly, the dead tissue becomes infected and the infection spreads under the skin to the rest of the scalp“, tells the Daily Mail Dr. Greg Bran, plastic surgeon of the face. “This leads to permanent loss of hair patches, chronic pain and persistent infections.”

    Unfortunately, many doctors”jump on the trend although they do not understand the structure of the face and the patients suffer“, he adds.
