Red Planet continues to surprise: ‘bear’ discovered on Mars!

Red Planet continues to surprise bear discovered on Mars

You may have compared clouds to various animals or objects you encounter in everyday life. This condition is called Pareidolia. Pareidolia is generally known as a person’s misperception of a sensation as a familiar object, pattern or meaning. A newly found crater on Mars may be one of the latest examples of this.


According to the news of Science Alert, astronomers discovered a ‘moon’ on Mars. In fact, if you look, a crater that looks like a bear has been found. The crater is undeniably quite similar to a bear’s face.

However, this crater does not mean that an interesting formation has been detected for the first time on the Red Planet.

Over the years, some craters on Mars, including smiling human faces, elephants and birds, have been captured by the Mars Orbit Explorer’s High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera (HiRISE).
