Red Kilometer, Valditara: School and Company, started dialogue for future education

Red Kilometer Valditara School and Company started dialogue for future

(Finance) – “Today a Red kilometer We inaugurated the School meets the company in the name of this dialogue that must be more and more tight and more and more collaborative between schools and business world. It is no coincidence that I launched the proposal that was welcomed with great enthusiasm in a meeting in Rome among the technicians of all entrepreneurial and category associations, such as the directors of the regional school offices and general directors of the Ministry for favor and concretize this dialogue which must then be transformed into Operating choices in the area“, the Minister Giuseppe Valditara On the occasion of the event with red kilometer that was held in the Brembo space in Bergamo.

“The reform of the 4 + 2the reform of professional technical education meets the needs of the production world to offer extraordinary employment opportunities to our young people, to offer them faster times, four years more possibly more two years to focus on the quality rather than quantity, internationalization, soft skills, that is, on those skills that teach you to insert you well in the working world. Punctuality, knowing how to work in a team and knowing how to direct a group, knowing how to update constantly, in short, all those elements that make The human resource is extremely competitive And from this point of view I believe that this meeting, this dialogue, which we have started today is particularly important “.

“We talked about scientific subjects, the so -called STEM subjects, to reduce the gender gap in favor of the involvement of girls in professional technical education, we talked about the centrality of orientation, we talked about an ever stronger dialogue with families to ensure that they can make the right choices to guarantee their children a path consistent with their talents and therefore a path of rapid employability “concludes the minister.
