Dokuz Eylül University Institute of Marine Sciences and Technology Faculty Member, Climatologist Prof. Dr. Doğan Yaşar said that according to meteorological evaluations, dust is expected to be transported to Turkey via the Sahara Desert by the end of March. Prof. Dr. Yaşar said, “Every year, 2 billion tons of dust are transported from deserts. This dust fertilizes nature. It is nature’s food source. We call this ‘layered silicate’. Dust always comes from deserts, but intense transport occurs from the end of March to the last week of April. Mondays and Tuesdays “We are entering a very busy period from now on. Red desert dust, loaded with iron, will come to our country in abundance. It will revitalize nature much more,” he said.
Prof. also drew attention to the pollen problem that may occur with desert dust. Dr. Yaşar said, “A single pine tree produces 12 billion pollen. Thus, during this period, pollen increases in very high amounts in the air. When we inhale it, we experience discomfort.
It is especially dangerous for people with lung diseases such as asthma. During this period, symptoms such as dry cough and sneezing, which we call ‘spring allergy’, are observed.
Those with lung diseases, if they can find it for 3 weeks; Must wear particle retaining mask. “If they cannot find it, they should use a normal mask,” he said.
Reminding that desert dust will condense excessively in the air, Prof. Dr. Yaşar noted that during this period, vehicles will be covered in mud due to red-colored layered silicate.
Prof. Dr. Yaşar said, “The more desert dust there is, the better. We achieve efficiency in agriculture. It is a good period for agriculture, but it is also a dangerous period for health. One should be careful. There is nothing to be afraid of.”